Taxpayers Federation: If Hydro Rates are "Urgent Issue" for Wynne, She Must Repeal Green Energy Act

Author: 2016/09/08
  • Hydro rates have skyrocketed since the implementation of the Ontario government's Green Energy Act
  • Wynne has new plans to hike prices of home heating despite concerns about cost of living

TORONTO, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is calling on Premier Kathleen Wynne to repeal the Green Energy Act if she is truly concerned that high hydro rates are an "urgent issue" in Ontario.

"Wynne's government repeatedly told Ontarians that they're just imagining their high hydro rates, with Finance Minister Sousa even claiming bills have gone down," said CTF Ontario Director, Christine Van Geyn. “Skyrocketing energy bills can be fixed – repeal the Green Energy Act and stop cap and trade.”

Ontario customers have seen the largest increase in electricity prices anywhere in Canada – more than 60 per cent higher than the national average between 2006 and 2015. Bills are growing at an average of 8 per cent a year. The price of electricity is growing faster faster than the Consumer Price Index, which measures the cost of goods and services.

"Now Premier Wynne has done an about face and finally admitted that high hydro rates are an 'urgent issue.' But will she admit that it's an urgent issue her government created? The Green Energy Act has resulted in Ontarians overpaying for power by 37 billion. If Wynne is serious about tackling the 'urgent issue' her government created, she can start by repealing the Green Energy Act that has caused this whole mess."

Now Wynne has proposed implementing a cap and trade carbon tax, that her own government has admitted will increase the cost of home heating. Other policies she has proposed would require new buildings be "net zero carbon," that will add thousands to the cost of new homes.

"We can't take Premier Wynne at her word that high hydro rates are a concern for her government, because she's come out with a new plan that will do exactly to home heating costs what she's done to hydro rates. After two more years of these policies, Ontarians won't be able to afford to live in their own homes," concluded Van Geyn. 

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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